Home Estate Agents 335 Maroubra Rd Maroubra NSW 2035 (02) 9349 7177 Contact Details 335 Maroubra Rd Maroubra NSW 2035 (02) 9349 7177 Contact Form Name Email Telephone Message
John Castrisos L.R.E.A, Founder and Principal john@homeea.com.au 0412 675 224 Andrew Anastassiou L.R.E.A, Principal and JP andrew@homeea.com.au 0425 301 977 Carl Wilson L.R.E.A, Auctioneer & Olympian carl@homeea.com.au 0410 668 333 Phillip Mellick L.R.E.A, Sales & Property Management phillip@mellickwealth.com.au 0412 102 225 Ali Godfrey L.R.E.A, Sales Assistant ali@homeea.com.au 0422 863 369 Eva Johnston L.R.E.A, Sales Executive eva@homeea.com.au 0426 191 599 Daniel Lo L.R.E.A, Sales Associate dan@homeea.com.au 0430 585 848 Barbara Wilson L.R.E.A, Sales Executive maroubra@homeea.com.au 0410 668 350 Michael Katsiambirtas L.R.E.A, Senior Property Manager michael@homeea.com.au 0451 601 573 Nicole Lichaa L.R.E.A, Senior Property Manager nicole@homeea.com.au 0400 330 011 Blake Muscat L.R.E.A, Property Manager & Business Development Manager blake@homeea.com.au 0451 827 516 Vanessa Longo L.R.E.A, Property Manager vanessa@homeea.com.au 0406 706 067 Paige Lockwood L.R.E.A, Property Manager paige@homeea.com.au 0433 268 309 Rhia Hobbs Assistant Agent rhia@homeea.com.au 0406 707 907 Ebru Lockwood L.R.E.A, Property Administration, Assistant Agent ebru@homeea.com.au 02 9349 7177 Hellen Tsioutsias L.R.E.A, Accounts Manager helen@homeea.com.au 0402 555 605 Belinda Castrisos L.R.E.A, Office Manager belinda@homeea.com.au 0433 425 657 Mel Tourikis General Accounts Manager accounts@homeea.com.au 02 9349 7177 Livia Dinoris Reception & Property Administration livia@homeea.com.au 02 9349 7177